Before you send in your angry letters of support, heat the tar and gather the feathers, let me tell you more. On Sunday I drug him with me to the grocery store, ignoring the pleas of, "But I don't wanna go!" Like I do? I buy two weeks worth of groceries at a time and avoid HEB like the plague in the mean time. I should have just left him at home because the tab managed to creep up to $235 and I toted home a loofah on a stick, a bag of Reese's and Tony Chachere's injectable garlic and herb marinade.
He was eager to play with the huge syringe that came with the marinade, so we pulled out the roast last night to prep it for the crock pot for tonight's dinner. He loaded up the marinade and tested the syringe over the sink like a doctor.
Then the name calling began. I begged him to stop with the syringe as marinade came squirting out all sides of the roast and on to the counter. And I nearly tackled him to recover the bottle of garlic powder that he insisted on dumping over the veggies after I had applied a moderate amount - knowing the marinade was already GARLIC AND HERB. I'm curious to see tonight if our garlic application could have used some editing.
So where do you edit? At work I'm known as the slasher, having no problems cutting down articles from 1,300+ words to ~450 for the website. But with my accessories I'm less of an editor. I wear earrings, two rings, a necklace and a bracelet just about every day.
Some people that could have used an edit.

Dinner was delicious, and it actually could have used some more garlic. But don't tell Kevin.