
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Weapon of Choice

Tonight is my last night alone in my apartment, and I've been feeling nostalgic. I've had some good times in this place, my first true apartment by myself. I've also had some scary as hell times.

Being a 24-year-old woman living alone can be intimidating. I used to smell weird, burning chemicals in my living room at night that would give me headaches. I didn't know what it could be, and I mentioned it to the apartment manager. Could she have maintenance come out and check the water heater, AC and refrigerator? No problems there. A few weeks later I was getting ready for work in the morning and heard my 'thug' neighbor banging around in his apartment. "How rude, he even disturbs me in the morning." When I left for work there was a police officer going through his red caddy, and two others had rubber gloves on and were chatting. Come to find out the thug had been arrested that morning for selling drugs.

For a month after the arrest I was sure he would think I had something to do with it, so I would sprint out to my car at 5:30 a.m. on my way to a fitness bootcamp and lock my doors immediately. Logical, I know.

About two months ago I was woken up by LOUD banging at 4:30 in the morning. I froze in bed wondering if it was my neighbor's front door or mine. The adrenaline coursed through my body, and I started to sweat. My bedroom door doesn't have a lock, and I don't own a gun. I crept out of bed and tiptoed over to the vanity and grabbed my hairspray. That would work like mace, right? Poised for attack, I waited for the intruder to enter my room. A half hour later with no sign of an invader, I crawled back in to bed - a little less sweaty.

Choose your weapon.
Shotgun Shell Earrings $22; Pocket Knife Necklace $88; Aubaine Shotgun Shell Necklace $28; Guns 'N' Posies Necklace $175; AR-15 Trigger Two Finger Ring $195.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. even though i have lived with a man for the last four years... often he travels so i spent many months by myself alone in big and little homes... currently (although now he's the ex) i am alone and have those same fears. sometimes eased by the presence of the dogs or increased - when they get jumpy i get jumpy-

    you are one of the most amazing women i know, im so excited for this next chapter of your life. may the best of yesterdays be the worst of your tomorrows.... with all my love and best wishes to your new places- an Irish Blessing for your new home :

    May your home be bright with cheer,
    May your cares all disappear,
    May contentment come your way,
    And may laughter fill your day.

    Wishing you always—
    Walls for the wind
    And a roof for the rain
    And tea beside the fire—
    Laughter to cheer you
    And those you love near you—
    And all that your heart might desire!

    May you have warm words
    on a cold evening,
    A full moon on a dark night,
    And the road downhill
    all the way to your door.

  3. I always figured I could just throw a cat at the intruder and run. :D
