
Friday, July 16, 2010


I have had a terrible week of sleep. This is very unusual for me because usually I'm out as soon as my face hits the pillow. I've never had this feeling before - that I'm wide awake behind my closed eyes and willing myself to fall asleep. At night when I was younger I would take my bear blanket (a bear-shaped blanket that my grandmother made for me when I was a baby) to my mom and tell her, "Bobby's sleepy, we're going to bed."

And my sister has always been the opposite. It used to drive Ashley crazy when we were in high school. We shared a room then and she would stay up reading trying to get to sleep while I was passed out in bed. During this time I was also informed that on occasion I sing in my sleep. Apparently I also once sleepwalked, Ashley followed me, and I ended up punching her for being too loud on my super secret sleep spy mission. I disavow any knowledge of this event.

I'll admit to having some unusual sleeping traditions. I need four pillows; two to sleep on and two to sleep next to, and I have to have the squishier pillow on top of the ones I sleep on. If I'm alone I HAVE to sleep under the comforter. I feel like it has some sort of magical powers that forms a protective cocoon around me; it will keep away intruders and protect me from ghosts. I always sleep better if I'm with Kevin, and I feel more comfortable when he's sleeping closer to the door so he can karate chop home invaders. I know, totally logical.

Also, I love pjs. So do Tina of blog T Minus T Plus and Sara from Bombshell Beauty. See how they took their pjs to the street! So, what are my favorite pjs? Here are some I've recently purchased that are so cute AND comfortable:
(Lace-accented chemise, Animal print chemise, Lace trim chemise)

But none of them compare to my favorites: Kevin's Hardin Simmons football shorts and his UTSA t-shirt (which I've stolen from his dresser).

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