
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Ex Factor

Yesterday morning I was all set to write today’s entry about my new hairdo – which might have actually turned out to be a hair DON’T – when I was hit with inspiration at lunch. So you’ll just have to wait another day to see the evolution of the hair and read some of the comments I’ve gotten since last Thursday.

Thanks to the new hair I was running late for work yesterday and flew out the door without packing my lunch. I use the word ‘packing’ loosely as this usually requires grabbing a frozen -Lean- meal of some sort, a yogurt and a pudding out of the fridge and throwing them in a grocery sack on the way out the door. (See: reduce, reuse and recycle. I’m trying to be GREEN.)

So this meant a trip home at lunch where I caught up on “The Daily Show” and “Kourtney and Khloe take Miami.” Don’t judge me, monkey. I drove through my neighborhood on the way back to work and saw: dog, landscaper, stop sign, empty and crushed kiddie pool, trampoline in a front yard, stop sign and the postman.

Do YOU know the postman? The postman? The postman. Turns out, I DO know the postman. As my friendly neighborhood postal worker was walking back to his truck from someone’s front door, my double take confirmed my suspicions. My postman is one of my ex boyfriends. And he’s looking worse for the wear.

Point? Rachel.


  1. That's called an epic win :-)

  2. Totally agree with Paige lol


  3. Just hope he doesn't vandalize your mail...


  4. Yes, Ashley. The one who 'looks like Dad.'
