I told Kevin I loved him for the first time about four months after we started dating, and I wanted to tell him in a creative way.
Kevin is half Persian, and for much of his childhood his Iranian grandmother lived with his family. She didn't speak much English, so she spoke to him mostly in Farsi. Although he's hesitant to speak it in front of others now, he has retained quite a bit of the language. Once soon after we started dating and after a few beers he even told me the entire story of his night in Farsi before I stopped him to tell him I had no idea what he was saying.
SO, I decided I was going to GOOGLE how to say "I love you" in Farsi, and that would be how I would tell him. I found the translation, wrote it down and practiced it for a week. When we were hanging out that weekend, I told him I had heard something in Farsi and wondered if he would tell me what it meant. "Doset daram."
He stopped and looked at me - "I like you, too!" *sigh* So even though he ruined it, I did finally break down and tell him, "No, I meant I love you."
This week, in honor of LOVE, I attended a NOH8 photo shoot to support the movement towards equality for all citizens in our country, regardless of their sexual orientation. If you haven't seen one of the photos before, here's Glee's Jane Lynch posing. Learn more about the NOH8 project.

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Such a wonderful campaign! Thanks so much for sharing such a sweet moment in your relationship.